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Data original de publicació: 1985
Autor: K. L. Knickerbocker
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This text book demonstrates the difference between practical or utilitarian literature and creative or imaginative literature. Read more.
30 de juny 2010 · Publication date: 1957. Topics: English literature, American literature. Publisher: New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Interpreting Literature; Preliminaries to Literary Judgment. Knickerbocker, Kenneth Leslie, Reninger, Harry Willard. ISBN 13: 9780030054167.
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Interpreting Literature, Revised By K L Knickerbocker 1961 Hardcover · ABC Express Couriers (3376) · 99.5% positive feedback.
A college lit book which contains fiction, poetry, drama, biograpy, and essays. One of my favorites was Quality by John Galsworthy. Poetry of Frost, Crane, ...
Interpreting literature by K. L. Knickerbocker, 1965, Holt, Rinehart and Winston edition, in English - 3d ed.
Title, Interpreting Literature: By K.L. Knickerbocker and H. Willard Reninger. Authors, Kenneth L. ed Knickerbocker, Harry Willard Reninger.
Interpreting Literature. 4th ed. K.L. Knickerbocker and H.W. Reninger, eds. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1969. 364, North American Review (1974) 21.
Title, Interpreting Literature ; Author, Kenneth Leslie Knickerbocker ; Edition, 7 ; Publisher, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1985 ; ISBN, 0030630134, 9780030630132.
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1985 Interpreting Literature Seventh Edition (P) by K.L. Knickerbocker, H. Willard Reninger, Edward W. Bratton, & B.J. Leggett ***ISBN-13: 9780030630132 ...