Not a Ripoff. Block 13 is a Kuwaiti animated television series that serves as the Arabic adaptation of the popular American adult animated television series South Park.
People also ask
Why did Block 13 copy South Park?
Who created Block 13?
Why was South Park banned in Kuwait?
Where is Block 13 set?
May 12, 2020 ˇ So imagine if they copied South Park's humor. People would've been angry because "they are ruining our kids brains". Upvote 18. Downvote Reply ...
Block 13 is a Kuwaiti animated television series that serves as the Arabic adaptation of the popular American animated sitcom South Park.
It is adapted from the American cartoon series South Park. The cartoon series was created by Sami Al-Khars (سامي الخرس) and directed by Nawaf Salem Al-Shammari ...
Lampshade Hanging: The show's status as a copy of South Park is actually acknowledged in an episode when an American woman refers to Abboud as "Mr. South Park".
Jan 19, 2023 ˇ Block 13 is a Kuwaiti animated television series that aired in the early 2000's during the height of South Park's popularity.
Feb 4, 2024 ˇ In this image I made the kids from South Park (Stan, Cartman, Kyle, Kenny, Wendy, Craig, Bill, and Fosse) meeting the kids from Block 13.