The buying price of the castle is 500 000 euros, but needless to say that the restoration works required are important! It will be spread over several years, ...
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May 12, 2022 · Join the 10500 others that have already signed up to help save the crumbling property. A share costs EUR51, which is around £45.
Dec 8, 2017 · 10000 people have raised money to buy, restore, and preserve the historic Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers, a crumbling castle in France.
Abandoned for nearly 100 years, the fairy tale French castle of La Mothe Chandeniers has been coming back to life since 2018 thanks to an international ...
Dec 5, 2017 · International crowdfunding campaign saves 'magical' castle in western France from decades of gradual decay.
Dec 7, 2022 · In return for each investment of 79€, participants become co-owners and shareholders of the Château de la Mothe Chandeniers and benefit from ...
Apr 16, 2024 · After falling into disrepair, the Château de la Mothe Chandeniers was saved from total ruin thanks to a crowdfunding project.
Jul 22, 2018 · The 1,000 m² Château de Mothe-Chandeniers was bought by 27,190 people from 115 different countries, at the end of an online crowdfunding ...
Oct 28, 2017 · A group called the Friends of La Mothe-Chandenier is crowd-sourcing the necessary funds to purchase the property before it gets sold off for demolition.
Devenez co-châtelain et actionnaire du plus romantique des châteaux de la Loire. Une aventure unique au monde pour restaurer le patrimoine.