Xarel·lo is a white grape variety of Spanish origin specially grown in Catalonia. Xarel·lo. Grape (Vitis). Xarel·lo grapes. Color of berry skin, White.
The white grape variety originates from Spain. Synonyms are Cartoixà, Cartuxa, Moll, Pansa Blanca, Pansal, Premsal Blanca, Xarell-Lo, Xarel-Lo, Xarel-Lo.
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They typically exhibit aromas of red fruits, floral notes, and citrus, with a crisp and vibrant acidity. Xarel-lo Vermell wines are often described as fresh, ...
A wine from a small parcel of 65-year-old Cartoixà Vermell, the very rare Catalan grape also known as red Xarel.lo.
Cartoixa Vermell is a wine grape that is primarily grown in the Catalonia region of Spain. This grape variety is known for producing exceptional red wines ...
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Cartoixà Vermell, the very rare Catalan grape also known as red Xarel.lo. The trick with this wine is that, while it presents as a rosé, it is made as if it ...
The wines are made exclusively with grapes native to the area, which have adapted to their terroir over generations. They are not suffocated with herbicides ...
Xarello is a fairly vigorous variety, fertile, productive and requires short pruning. It is well adapted to southern areas and drought.
It is a resistant variety, with thick skin, and medium budding and ripening. It is the highest quality white grape in Catalonia for its power.