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Compra inauthor:"Elizabeth Robinson Montagu"
Dialogues of the Dead Lyttelton, George 1st Baron; Montagu, Elizabeth Robinson [Very Good] [Hardcover]
323,57 USD utilitzat
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Elizabeth Montagu The Queen Of The-Bluestockings Vol.1 [Book]
18,59 USD
a Bookshop.org
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Apologie de Shakspeare, en reponse a la critique de M. de Voltaire (1777) [LeatherBound] Montagu, Elizabeth Robinson [New] [Hardcover]
37,82 USD utilitzat
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The Letters of Mrs Elizabeth Montagu, with Some of the Letters of her Correspondents. Part the First, Containing her Letters from an Early Age to the
31,78 USD utilitzat
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The Letters of Mrs Elizabeth Montagu: With Some of the Letters of Her Correspondents [Book]
44,99 USD
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Elizabeth Montagu The Queen Of The- Bluestockings Vol.2 [Book]
20,99 USD
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Memoirs of the life of Mrs. Elizabeth Carter Pennington, Montagu [Good] [Hardcover]
125,00 USD utilitzat
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+ 35,00 USD d'enviament
Art Print: Elizabeth Montagu, 18x12in.
20,00 USD
a AllPosters.com
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Letters from Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, to Mrs. Montagu, Between the Years 1755 and 1800, Vol. 1 Of 3: Chiefly Upon Literary and Moral Subjects (Classic Reprint) [Book]
23,61 USD
a eBay - forgottenbooksusa
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The Letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, with Some of The Letters of Her Correspondents, 4 vols.; Women of Letters, An AMS Reprint Series - Mrs.
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a Common Crow Books
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Letters From Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, to Mrs. Montagu, Between the Years 1755 and 1800: Chiefly Upon Literary and Moral Subjects [Book]
36,95 USD
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The Letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, with some of the Letters of her Correspondents. Part the Tirst, Containing her Letters from an Early Age to th
75,66 USD utilitzat
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+ 22,04 USD d'enviament
An Essay On The Writings And Genius Of Shakespeare By Montagu, Mrs. (elizabeth)
1.400,00 USD utilitzat
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Elizabeth Montagu, the Queen of the Bluestockings, Vol. 2 Of 2: Her Correspondence from 1720 to 1761 (Classic Reprint) [Book]
22,52 USD
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A Lady of the Last Century Mrs Montagu [Good] [Hardcover]
51,70 USD utilitzat
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+ 12,79 USD d'enviament
Elizabeth Montagu, the Queen of the Bluestockings: Her Correspondence From 1720 to 1761; Volume 2 [Book]
45,54 USD
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The Letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, Parts I and II, by Matthew Montague, 1810 third and 1813 first editions.
110,00 USD utilitzat
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The Letters of Mrs.Elizabeth Montagu, with Some of the Letters of Her Correspondents. 4 Volumes. Montagu, Matthew. (Published by) [Fair] [Hardcover]
85,75 USD utilitzat
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+ 29,38 USD d'enviament
Elizabeth Montagu, the Queen of the Bluestockings: Her Correspondence from 1720 to 1761 [Book]
59,72 USD
a eBay - grandeagleretail
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Letters From Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, to Mrs. Montagu, Between the Years 1755 and 1800 Chiefly Upon Literary and Moral Subjects; Volume 2 [Book]
35,73 USD
a Better World Books
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