Enjoy the extraordinary history of this lived in family home. Visit the house, grounds, maze, craft workshops, Garden Cafe and the world famous Traquair House ...

Traquair House

(318) Tourist attraction
Grand 12th-century stately home with 3 elegant rooms, plus dining, a brewery & craft workshops.
Address: Traquair House, Traquair, Innerleithen EH44 6PW, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1896 830323
Traquair House, approximately 7 miles southeast of Peebles, is claimed to be the oldest continually inhabited house in Scotland. Whilst not strictly a ...
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About the Traquair House Brewery. Traquair's house brewery has been brewing Scottish ale for the house and its inhabitants since the 1500s.
$8.69 In stock
Deep reddish-amber/brown in color; full, velvet-like body; medium dry and powerful, with an earthy hint of peat character. Malt flavors and fruity finish show a ...
Traquair is Scotland's Oldest Inhabited House. It has been lived in for over 900 years and was originally a hunting lodge for the Kings and Queens of Scotland.
Traquair House, the oldest inhabited house in Scotland, dates back to 1107 AD, when it was a hunting lodge for the kings of Scotland.
Traquair House. Lived in by the Stuart family since 1491, it is Scotland's oldest inhabited house. Innerleithen, Peeblesshire, EH44 6PW.