Girl with a Pearl Earring

Girl with a Pearl Earring

Painting by Johannes Vermeer
Girl with a Pearl Earring is an oil painting by Dutch Golden Age painter Johannes Vermeer, dated c. 1665. Going by various names over the centuries, it became known by its present title towards the end of the 20th century after the earring worn by... Wikipedia
Locations: Rijksmuseum (2023–2023) and Mauritshuis
Created: 1665
Dimensions: 1′ 6″ x 1′ 3″
Genre: Tronie
Medium: Oil paint

As La ragazza col turbante (Girl with a Turban, 1986), it features as the general title of Marta Morazzoni's collection of five short novellas set in the ...
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Rating (6) ˇ $22.34
La ragazza col turbante [Morazzoni, Marta] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. La ragazza col turbante.
Soprannominato talvolta la "Monna Lisa olandese", č uno dei dipinti pių noti dell'artista, anche grazie a un romanzo e un film del 2003 di cui č stato oggetto.
Rating (5) ˇ $47.66 La ragazza col turbante: 9788882464424: Marta Morazzoni: Books.
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La ragazza col turbante by Morazzoni, Marta - ISBN 10: 8823508223 - ISBN 13: 9788823508224 - Guanda - 2014 - Softcover.
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La ragazza col turbante (La Gaja scienza) (Italian Edition) by Morazzoni, Marta - ISBN 10: 8830406252 - ISBN 13: 9788830406254 - Longanesi - 1986 ...
Buy the Artwork 'La ragazza col turbante di Jan Vermeer' by Rebis The Artist (2018) : Painting Oil on Canvas - 31.1x21.7in ➽ Worldwide Shipping ➽ Secure ...
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Buy Girl with pearl earring - Ragazza col turbante Art Print by samantharivieccio. Worldwide shipping available at