
Gunung Mulu National Park

(1,571) National park in Malaysia
Gunung Mulu National Park is a protected rainforest in Malaysian Borneo. It’s known for its dramatic peaks and caves, including the huge, bat-filled Deer Cave. The cave leads to the Garden of Eden, a hidden valley and waterfall enclosed by limestone cliffs. The Pinnacles at Gunung Api are tall, jagged limestone formations with steep trails and rare orchids. The summit of Gunung Mulu Mountain has views over the park.
Address: Sarawak, Malaysia
Phone: +60 85-792 300
Welcome to Mulu World Heritage Area. This spectacular rainforest took 60 million years to create. It is one of the most important natural sites in South East ...
Apr 14, 2021 ˇ Ci troviamo nella parte settentrionale del Sarawak, nel Borneo Malese, in un'area dove la natura sovrana nasconde una delle aree carsiche pių ...
Gunung Mulu National Park, situated in the Malaysian State of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, is outstanding both for its high biodiversity and for its karst ...
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Situato nello stato di Sarawak, nel Borneo malese, il Gunung Mulu National Park č sito del patrimonio UNESCO ed č una delle destinazioni naturali pių ...
It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that encompasses caves and karst formations in a mountainous equatorial rainforest setting. The park is famous for its caves ...
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Nov 13, 2019 ˇ Il Gunung Mulu National Park, nel Borneo malaysiano, č una foresta pluviale ricca di cascate, alberi tropicali, fiumi torbidi e natura ...
Il parco nazionale Gunung Mulu č una foresta pluviale protetta nel Borneo malese. Č noto per le sue vette e grotte drammatiche, tra cui l'enorme grotta dei ...
Mar 6, 2024 ˇ Il Gunung Mulu National Park, nel Borneo malaysiano, č una foresta pluviale ricca di grotte, pipistrelli, cascate e natura incontaminata!
Mulu's four show caves were selected for their uniqueness or sheer beauty. They can all visit as day trips from the park HQ and are accessible by plankwalks.
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Rating (112)
Il Mulu National Park č il parco pių grande e il parco pių antico del Sarawak. Si dice che le origini del parco risalgano a 60 milioni di anni fa!