The Neumarkt is a square and culturally significant section of central Dresden, Germany. The historic area was almost completely wiped out during the Allied ...
The famous, fully evolved townscape of the neumarkt as a complete work of art was created during the golden age of Augustus the Strung during the early ...


The Neumarkt is a square and culturally significant section of central Dresden, Germany. The historic area was almost completely wiped out during the Allied bombing during the Second World War. Wikipedia
The Neumarkt Square, probably the best-known square in Dresden's downtown, is being reconstructed gradually, following its former opulent Baroque design.
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An enormous square with great views all around and in particular the Frauenkirche. Beautiful buildings around the square. Good starting point for a walk.
The Neumarkt is the cultural centre of the Dresden historical district. This area was mostly entirely destroyed in WWII during the same bombing runs that ...
The Frauenkirche forms the centre of the Neumarkt. Neumarkt is not only a tourist highlight, but also a vibrant centre of urban life and culture in Dresden.
Eight new districts grew around the Frauenkirche on the Neumarkt Square in Dresden – all based on a historical model.
26th November - 19nd December 2021. The Neumarkt in Dresden with the wold-famous Church of Our Lady in the background and its unmistakable charm of old ...