... Designmuseo (Helsinki) 56 Douglas Hyde Gallery (Dublin) 137 Eiffel Tower (Paris) 147 Estonian Maritime Museum (Tallinn) 71 Ethnographic Open Air Museum (Riga) 73 Fornsal Museum and Natural History Museum (Visby) 51 Fram Museum (Oslo) 40 ...
... Museo Juan Manuel Fangio, Balcarce Australia Antique Motorcycles, Victoria Ash's Speedway Museum New South Wales Australian Motorlife/Butler Collection, Woolongong, New South Wales Baillup Ford Fram Museum, West Australia Ballart ...
... Museo Salesiano, Punta Arenas, Chile Polar Museum, Longyearbyen Polar heritage Extensive collection of polar ... Fram Museum, Oslo, Norway Original ship used by Fritjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen. TEMPORAL SCALE Duration of particu ...
... Museo dell'Università di Londra e un altro fram- mento nel Museo d'Alessandria . VITELLI GIROLAMO , Da Papiri Greci dell'Egitto , " Studi Ital . di Filog . Classica N. S. " , Vol . V , fasc . 1 . VON BISSING FR . , Eine Apisfigur in ...
The story of the Jeannette Expedition is one of incredible hardship, two winter ordeals, the crushing of the expedition ship Jeannette in the ice and the burning of a relief vessel, a desperate and fatal retreat by open boat, a lone journey ...
... Frammentos as separate panels , not yet bolted together , with open space in between just as the fragments are shown in the Naples museum in Italy . Fram- mento del Muro CIII consists of two rectangular panels and Myers ' hallmark ...
... Fram Museum ( Oslo ) 40 Gallery of Modern Art ( Glasgow ) 127 , 129 Gallery of Photography ( Dublin ) 137 Gamle ... Museo Archeologico Nazionale ( Naples ) 242 Museo Archeologico ( Venice ) 219 Museo de Bellas Artes ( Bilbao ) 180 ...
... Designmuseo (Helsinki) 56 Douglas Hyde Gallery (Dublin) 137 Eiffel Tower (Paris) 147 Estonian Maritime Museum (Tallinn) 71 Ethnographic Open Air Museum (Riga) 73 Fornsal Museum and Natural History Museum (Visby) 51 Fram Museum (Oslo) 40 ...
... Museo Marítimo de Ushuaia occupies the old presidio , a building of five two - story pavil- ions that actually ... Fram , in the Antarctic museum . That museum focuses on Argentina's presence on the frozen continent , starting with ...
... museo dove è stata messa a riposo la sua famosa nave polare Fram . Varata nel 1892 , la Fram , all'epoca l'imbarcazione più resistente mai costruita , trascorse gran parte della sua esistenza nella morsa dei ghiacci polari . Dal 1893 al ...