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10 Mysterious Soundscapes That Rocked The Ancient World
Until recently, archaeology has focused almost exclusively on the visual, giving us a limited view of ancient cultures.
121 months ago
The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni and an unknown race with elongated skulls
Ancient Origins
The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni and an unknown race with elongated skulls ... Many ancient megalithic structures exist in Malta and one of them is...
130 months ago
Lonely Planet
While the walls surrounding Il-Kastell date from the 15th century, there have been fortifications atop this flat-topped hill since the Bronze Age: it…
76 months ago
Norwegian grant enables 3D modelling of Hal Saflieni Hypogeum
Times of Malta
A €324000 grant from Norway has made possible the 3D documentation of Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, a world heritage site Tourism Minister Mario de...
150 months ago
Exploration into why a rich Temple-building civilization died out on Malta
Ancient Origins
The ancient Temple People civilization of Malta did not suffer invasions, widespread disease or famine, past research has shown. Why their culture died is a...
118 months ago
Remains of Ancient Maltese Islanders Discovered in Catacombs Beneath a School
Ancient Origins
The discovery of some 2000-year-old tombs from the Roman era in Malta have archaeologists buzzing. They say the bones are so old they can't...
95 months ago
Mdina Ditch Garden | Mdina, Malta | Attractions
Lonely Planet
Mdina's ditch was an important element of its fortifications. It was first created in the 15th century, but was rebuilt by the Knights of St John's military...
96 months ago
Updated: Missing man found in Hal Saflieni
Times of Malta
The 69-year-old man reported missing on Wednesday, Edgar Ritchie of Paola, was found in the Hal Saflieni area this evening, the police said.
159 months ago
Evidence on Palaeolithic Man
Times of Malta
There is a scientific ground to conclude that there is a strong case for the presence of Palaeolithic Man in Malta before the first Neolithic settlement.
235 months ago
Card-carrying heritage
Times of Malta
Heritage Malta has introduced a system of membership cards with the intention of increasing the number and frequency of visits to HM's...
208 months ago