The Gal Vihara and known originally as the Uttararama is a rock temple of the Buddha situated in the ancient city Polonnaruwa, the capital of the ancient ...
Uththararamaya (Gal Vihara)
Place of worship in Nissankamallapura, Sri Lanka
The Gal Vihara, and known originally as the Uttararama, is a rock temple of the Buddha situated in the ancient city Polonnaruwa, the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Polonnaruwa, now present-day Polonnaruwa, in North Central Province, Sri Lanka. It was fashioned in the 12th century by King Parakramabahu I.
Address: X283+CXG, Nissankamallapura, Sri Lanka
Phone: +94 272 222 235
People also ask
What is the significance of Gal Vihara?
How old is Gal Vihara?
What are the statues in Gal Vihara?
What is the reclining Buddha statue?
Part of Parakramabahu I's northern monastery, Gal Vihara is a group of beautiful Buddha images that probably marks the high point of Sinhalese rock carving.
The most beautiful Buddha images in Sri Lanka are the ones at Gal Vihara. Four images of different sizes are carved out of a cliff about 56 yards long.
Gal Vihara, also known as Gal Viharaya, are a series of stone sculptures of Buddha which were created during the reign of Sinhalese king Parakrama...
Gal Vihara was originally named Uttararama "the northern monastery". It is situated in the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in the North Central Province of Sri ...
The Gal Vihara rock measures 52 m (170 ft) in length, Along the 26 m long centrepiece, the rock is 10 m high, it then falls away gradually towards each end.
Awe inspiring ancient temple dedicated to Lord Buddha. Sep 2022 The statues of Lord Buddha exquisitely carved in granite are awe inspiring.
Gal Vihara (Sinhala: stone temple), Buddhist Temple at (UNESCO World Heritage Site) at Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka is the most perfect specimen of Buddha statue ...
Gal Viharaya is a rock temple of the Buddha located at the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in North Central Province, Sri Lanka. It was originally named as ...
The Gal Vihara, also known as Gal Viharaya and sometimes by its original name as the Uttararama, is a rock temple of the Buddha with Buddha statues within,