Blockhouse 13 from
... 13'22 " , at center of line between secs.29 and 30 , T.7 N. , R.29 E. , Benton County , at State Highway 12 , 10 mí ... Blockhouse , Wash . Little Klickitat River Lat 45 ° 50'15 " , long 120 ° 47'50 " , in NW sec.15 , T.4 N. , R.16 ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... Block- houses Nos . 12 and 13 ; 1 company ( I , First North Dakota ) was sent to old Spanish trenches between Blockhouses 12 and 13 , and 1 company ( C , Fourteenth Infantry , Lieutenant Biddle ) was sent to Blockhouse 12. Men slept in ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... Block- houses Nos . 12 and 13 ; 1 company ( I , First North Dakota ) was sent to old Spanish trenches between Blockhouses 12 and 13 , and 1 company ( C , Fourteenth Infantry , Lieutenant Biddle ) was sent to Blockhouse 12. Men slept in ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... 13 " , Hydrologic Unit 17070106 , near Blockhouse . Owner : State of Washington , Department of Ecology . AQUIFER .-- Basalt of Miocene to Pliocene Age . WELL CHARACTERISTICS .-- Drilled observation - test , water - table well ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... 13 , blès ' - sèd , part . happy Bleffing , blès - sing , f . benediction , divine favour Bleft , bleft ' , part ... Block - house , blok ' - hous , f . fortrefs built to block up a pass Block if , 10 , 13 , blok ' ifh , a . ftupid ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... 13- 423c . Block , Sir Adam 27-436d . Adriaen 19-603d . MAURICE 4-72b ; 25-807c . Block , isl . , R.I. 23-249 ( B4 ) ... BLOCKHOUSE 4-748 ; 10- 722c ; 27-207d . Blockhouse , fort , Hants . 22- 132 ( map ) . Block House Run , riv ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... Block House Mining Co. , earnings , 1916-17 ; table ..... H29 : 9101 , 9333 H31 : 10039-10040 H32 : 10317 , 10352 , 10365 H13 : 2930 , 3106-3116 H13 : 2930 , 3121-3123 Block , I. and Son : British and French contracts__ H25 : 7694 ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... 13- 423c . Block , Sir Adam 27-436d . - Adriaen 19-603d . MAURICE 4-72b ; 25-807c . Block , isl . , R.I. 23-249 ( B4 ) ... BLOCKHOUSE 4-74a ; 722c ; 27-207d . Blockhouse , fort , Hants . 22- 132 ( map ) . Block House Run , riv . , Pa ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... B13 - Tn - Z - M Blet'ting , Blt ( • ) 2 Blew , Bl . See Blow . Blight ... B13 - NG - Krd See Blink'er , B18 - NG - Kr Blink'ers , B13 - NG - Krz Bliss ... Block ' - house , Bl1 - K - Hs Block'ish , Bl1 - K - SH Blear - eyedness ...
Blockhouse 13 from
... B13 - NG - Kr Bliss'ful - ly , Bls3 - Fl Bliss'fulness , Bls3 - F1 - Ns [ : Fs ] Blaze , Blz2 , Blzd2 , Blz2- Blis'som , Bl3 - SM Blue , B13 ... Block ' - house , Bl1 - K - Hs Block'ish , Bl1 - K - SH Block'ishly , Bl1 - K - SHI Block'ishness ...