Bandelier National Monument protects part of what is the ancestral and traditional lands of at least 23 tribal nations. A black ...
Bandelier National Monument
National reserve in New Mexico
Bandelier National Monument is a 33,677-acre United States National Monument near Los Alamos in Sandoval and Los Alamos counties, New Mexico. The monument preserves the homes and territory of the Ancestral Puebloans of a later era in the Southwest.
Address: New Mexico
Phone: (505) 672-3861
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Is Bandelier National Monument worth it?
Does Bandelier require reservations?
What happened at Bandelier National Monument?
Can you drive into Bandelier National Monument?
Bandelier National Monument is a 33,677-acre (136 km2) United States National Monument near Los Alamos in Sandoval and Los Alamos counties, New Mexico.
Bandelier National Monument protects over 33000 acres of rugged but beautiful canyon and mesa country, with evidence of people having lived here for more ...
Bandelier National Monument is 50 square miles of the Pajarito Plateau, on the slopes of the Jemez Volcanic field in the Jemez Mountains.
At Bandelier National Monument, one of the National Park Service's oldest sites (1916), you will find Ancestral Pueblo dwellings scattered across a landscape of ...
While known for mesas, sheer-walled canyons, and several thousand ancestral Pueblo dwellings, this monument also has over 33,000 acres of designated wilderness.
Valles Caldera and Bandelier are connected geographically, geologically, and culturally. You can't get the full story of one park without the other.
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