subject:"Rome" from
"Editions and helpful books": p. 26-28.
subject:"Rome" from
Unlike the film versions, the novel is a rich source of American Victorian concerns and tensions, as well as being one of the most entertaining of its genre.
subject:"Rome" from
This book considers the great cultural and geopolitical changes in western Eurasia in the fifth century CE. It focuses on the Roman Empire, but it also examines the changes taking place in northern Europe, in Iran under the Sasanian Empire, ...
subject:"Rome" from
The book incorporates more than 30 maps, mostly produced by the Ancient World Mapping Center; in addition, 22 boxes interspersed throughout feature varied excerpts of writings by Romans themselves.
subject:"Rome" from
The book opens with the arrival of the Nahataean Arabs in their magnificent capital at Petra and describes the growth of their hellenized culture based on trade in perfume and spices.
subject:"Rome" from
The new millennium forces us to reflect on systems for counting time and distinguishing historical eras.