subject:"Mithraism" from
A study of the religious system of Mithraism, one of the 'mystery cults' popular in the Roman Empire contemporary with early Christianity.
subject:"Mithraism" from
The Religion of Zarathushtra is at the same time one of the simplest and yet most profound indroductions to Zoroastrianism, the once glorious but now nearly forgotten religion of the Magi.
subject:"Mithraism" from
From the conventional to the controversial, the broad scope of this book and its valuable contribution to Sufi, Mithraic, and Zoro-astrian studies gets to the very heart of the matter.
subject:"Mithraism" from
No detailed description available for "The Roman Cult of Mithras".
subject:"Mithraism" from
The origin of this dossier of studies is a symposium, held in April 1984 by the Institute for the History of Religions at the University of Copenhagen, on the occasion of Professor Ugo Bianchi's visit.