felves from
... felves or others ; is culpable . If we esteem our felves for things not true or really for things indifferent or mean , for things no- wife excellent or valuable ; if we affect our felves beyond compass , so as to poftpone the love of ...
felves from
... felves to a ftrict Account of our Actions , that judging our felves we may not be judged , and condemned , by the Lord . This frequent Examination of our felves will give us to understand our Er- rors and Mifcarriages ; which if we ...
felves from
John Norris. 25. First , Not to Magnifie our felves to our felves , by entertaining our Fancies and Imaginations with great Images or Ideas of our felves , either in an Abfolute or in a Com- parative way , faying to or within our ...
felves from
... felves , and acquit our own Church of the guilt of Schifm , which they feek to caft upon us . Firft , they object , that we have separated our felves Schi- fmatically from the Communion of the Catholick Church . God forbid . Then we ...
felves from
... felves to think any thing as of our felves ; but our Sufficiency is of God , who alfo hath made us able Minifters of the New Teftament , & c . T HE Service for this Day puts us in mind of God Almighty's great Readiness to hear our ...
felves from
... felves , Jome God , fome Chrift , and fome other things . Ignor . What be good thoughts re- specting our felves ? Chr . Such as agree with the Wordof God . Ignor . When does our thoughts of our felves agree with the Word of God ? Chr ...
felves from
... felves , to see our felves exactly . In a word , welove our felves too well , to cenfure hardly ; and the voice of Slander is the other Extream ; fo that the common judgment , ofteneft hits the truth , i . e . in judging of our publick ...
felves from
... felves ; Not in cafes hurt- full to our felves . enjoyned Iure Divine , as in Baptifme : which will not be ftretched to our cafe . And certainly the reason of the Law , why none fhould be judge in his owne caufe , is , be- caufe ...
felves from
... felves for your tins , yea yea hate your felves that you can hate your fins no more . O that my batred of my Lufts might be greater than ever my love was unto them ! I with from my foul Profeffors were more apprehenfive of Gods ...
felves from
... felves of all concern in Them . I fhall therefore make it my endeavour in a few re- flexions to fhew , Ift . What thofe Circumftances are whereby we may be moft likely to render our felves par- takers of other mens fins ? From whence it ...