Make Your Memories Last Forever There is nothing quite like traveling and exploring the great unknown, getting to know fascinating people from all around the world, immersing yourself in new and exciting cultures, and living your life to ...
... Fafe era o brasão dos artistas honrados. Os cavalheiros da terra apertavam-lhe a mão nobilitada pelas rugas calosas do trabalho. Os seus iguais porfiavam em ganhar-lhe estima de amigo, tirante os viciosos que o fugiam, porque ele os ...
... Fafe , e deve estar n'um d'estes quartos . PONCIA . Será ella a dona da cabra branca , que me não deixou dormir ?! JOÃO . É a mesma ; é a dona da cabra branca . Que im- mensa poesia tem aquelle amor á cabra ! Se vossemecê a visse , como ...
... Fafe ... Não lhe digo mais nada . ( Sahindo . ) Vamos ao presunto , meninas . ( O barão fica meditativo . ) SCENA IX D. LEOCADIA . O BARÃO , E LUIZ PESSANHA PESSANHA . Que lhe diria o alarve , que o deixou tão ab- stracto , primo barão ...
... fafe - coming into and pafling out of the realm ; the form whereof is in Reg . Orig . 25. There are let ters of fate - conduct which must be enrolled in chancery ; and the perfons to whom granted mut have them ready to thow ; touching ...
... fafe for your Majeftie's fervice , wherein we again moved for the fafe con- duct for our messenger to your Majestic . On the 15th we received letters from them of the 14th in answer to ours of the 12th of this month , whereby we find ...
... fafe , be sure you keep him fafe . Our unfortunate father had now no other hopes of de- liverance , but from the goodness of the Almighty , to whom he pray'd most heartily , imploring his di- vine affiftance , nor were his prayers ...
... fafe conduct in anie wife . Then they called for the fafe conduct , which I produced , and it was read , and was found very large , havinge noe restrictioun , foe that they did marvell therat . made by the mitt anie pri- bafladrie or To ...