subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
Ten historic pilgrim routes of Western Europe, inspiration for today's long distance walker. Pilgrimage in Europe is thriving on a massive scale.
subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
In a new preface to the second edition, Butler takes stock of how the trends she identified have expanded as Donald Trump mounts a third campaign for the presidency, evangelicals celebrate and respond to the overturning of Roe v.
subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
Una ayuda para descubrir los signos esenciales del mensaje de Jesús de Nazaret a través de los personajes del Belén, compañero inseparable de la celebración de la Navidad.
subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
Und wir brauchen das Vertrauen in einen Grund, der trägt. Mit liebevollem Blick auf Alltägliches und Besonderes umkreisen die Texte und Gedichte von Antoinette Brem und Barbara Lehner diese Räume und diesen «Lebensgrund».
subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
Negli anni incandescenti del Sessantotto, gli impetuosi venti di cambiamento che agitano la società si insinuano anche tra le fila del «movimento» di Gioventù Studentesca, sorto più di dieci anni prima al Liceo Berchet di Milano: un ...
subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
The New Testament Library series offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect of the New Testament, providing fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, critical portrayals of the historical world ...
subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
"Bisognerebbe essere mamma per capire certe cose" potrebbe risponderci. Il suo splendore è nato da uno spavento di naufra­gio. Che lei, come un marinaio scafatissimo, ha aggredito da vecchia lupa di mare.
subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
As we become intimate with the late ancient universe through this book, we find ourselves changed."—Kim Haines-Eitzen, Hendrix Memorial Professor of Religious Studies, Cornell University
subject:"Religion Christianity General" from
Perceptive and original, Strangers No Longer reframes the history of Latinos in Wisconsin by revealing religion’s central role in the settlement experience of immigrants, migrants, and refugees.