subject:"Knowledge, Theory of" from
Nozick develops new views on philosophy’s central topics and weaves them into a unified perspective.
subject:"Knowledge, Theory of" from
The most accurate and informative English translation ever produced of this epochal philosophical text.
subject:"Knowledge, Theory of" from
wide criticism both from Western and Eastern scholars.
subject:"Knowledge, Theory of" from
For a decade of so, the book had little discernable impact; but from the early 1950s to present day its influence has grown incalculably, so that it is now difficult even to discuss beliefs about witchcraft or sorcery without reference to ...
subject:"Knowledge, Theory of" from
"'What is involved, when we say what people are doing and why they are doing it? An answer to that question is the subject of this book.'"--Mr. Burke, as quoted on the cover.
subject:"Knowledge, Theory of" from
This path-breaking book reviews psychological research on practical intelligence and describes its importance in everyday life.
subject:"Knowledge, Theory of" from
Lost in the raging debate over the validity of social construction is the question of what, precisely, is being constructed.