Encompassing genres such as poetry, fiction, nonfiction, tourist guides, biographies and drama, this collection provides a new window to the legend and realities of the American West.
Philosophical Soc. (APS). The essays in this vol., pub. as a companion to an exhib. of the same title & on the occasion of the Franklin Tercentenary of 2006, highlight Dashkova as an accomplished Enlightenment woman.
The collection was a document of its time and an important primary source for anyone interested in U.S. military affairs and U.S./Native American relations.
A reprint of Carl Sandburg's 1932 biography of Mary Todd Lincoln, which discusses such subjects as her childhood in Kentucky, her relationship with Abraham Lincoln, her depression and mental illness after the death of her son Tad, and her ...
Een doelstelling die heden, 175 jaar later, nog ongewijzigd geldt met dien verstande dat deze is verbreed tot de cultuur in het algemeen. Een van de grondleggers van het Genootschap was dr.