... prefent continues Commiflairei pour les fins mcntionnecs dans Ic dit aclt. recite. II. Et qu'il (bit de plus ftatuc, qu'aucuhs deux Commifiaircs nommes dana le prefent Afte, avant de proceder a 1'execution dc leur commiffion, preieront ...
... prefent to ftate to the world your black cha. racier, as well as fomc of your con, nections ; the latter I would freely omit, but when you and yours ftrut about the ftreets of Gcttyfburg, with fo mar>y important aits, and high a ...
... prefent treaty, maintain on their refpectivc frontiers more than the number of troops they had the prefent. 'l Ankle. tiv Ki;n; Ki;n;. IX. Tn exchange for the places rcftored by the 4th Article, the King Spain, for himtelf and his ...
GENTLEMEN,. I falute your prefent aucmMage, with that pleafure l which the happinefs and pro&erity of the h ftate neceiSJvjly infpires. From the firft dawn of our independence to the' prefent mo- ipent, p the hand >)f*^^ovidence has ...
... prefent munberj which, when doubled according to ' the prefent determination, will it to fifty dollars a fhare. The Charter of SouthrCaroli.na is in -perpetuity, and theft Shares are forever exempted from any rate, 'tax, duty, 'affelT ...
... prefent felTion. The executive, bufinels which vt*» committed to me by the laft Legiflature', has been particularly attended to, . and carefully perSubfcriber. A particular report reflecting the (ituatton of the ad company in the toth ...
... pre- fent charge. As then he decided, that rhi§ fum in which Col. Burr is now bound is a fmaller one than the charge of High Treafon would have warranted ; it fertns to me that too great reliance is placed upon the prefent recognizance ...
... prefent circumftances, I feel it ind.fpenfably ne^lKiry to proceed with Expedhion and vgour in thofe Preparations, the Objects of which have already received your unanimous Concurrence. THE Allurances and Conductor" My Allies on this ...
... prefent high price, and to infure, at the fame time, the means of meeting the demands for the ne- ccffiry confumption of the year. The prefent circumft«mccs will alfo, I am perfuaded, render the date of the laws re- ( peeling the ...
... prefent article, not to treat for peace but with common accord, and in a manner that each of them may obtain the Satisfaction that /hall be its due. XIV. In the cafe where one of the Powers fhall act only as an auxiliary, the power ...