... prefent reign 65 True caufe of the prefent diforders Character of the prefent An Objections to the Cr in C - f Sir W. Draper's defence of that nobleman The reply ; with an addrefs to Sir William Sir William's defence of himself His ...
... prefent year ; and if God in his provi- dence Continue him in the Miniftry among us , to Add as we are able , and his fircum- ftances May Require . Furder voated that the one half of his Rate for the prefent year fhall be paid him in ...
... prefent ftate of the Alms - Houfe - SHEWETH ; THAT HAT however foreign it may be from our prefent purpofe , to enter on the great poli- tical queftion , Whether the emigration of foreigners into this country , ought , or ought not to be ...
... prefent year ; and if God in his provi- dence Continue him in the Miniftry among us , to Add as we are able , and his fircum- ftances May Require . Furder voated that the one half of his Rate for the prefent year shall be paid him in ...
... prefent , even tho ' we fhould never at any Time hereafter contract one Shilling of new Debt : I have indeed heard of a great many Projects for that Pur- A pofe ; and fome of those Projects have appear- ed pretty well in Theory , but ...
... prefent him with 3000l . per of his prefent ann . to be fettled upon him for Majefty's mu- life , his Lordship anfwered , " Henificence , viz . was glad her Majefty was fatisfia peerage , and ed he had done his duty ; but if a penfion ...
... prefent dangers and duties . An information of the prefent condition of affairs , and declaration concerning prefent duties from the commiffion of the General Affembly unto the Kirk and kingdome of Scotland . [ 9 O & . ] 4 ° Edinb ...
... pre- fent miniftry . The mischiefs done in the reign of the Stuarts were re- trieved by a revolution in political principles ; but the ills that happen- ed in the prefent reign were irre- parable . The emprefs of Ruffia , and his prefent ...
... prefent ftate of the feveral branches of the legislature , and of the inftitutions for the administration of juftice in England , Scotland , and Ireland . 12 ° Edinb . 1839 . The child's guide to a knowledge of the English conftitu ...