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In celebration of the centennial of the Nobel Prize in 2001, this book offers a clear perspective on the development of human civilization over the past hundred years.
nobel prize from
After His Retirement, He Selected Nobel Prize-Winners As A Population Universe To Study. This Book Is The Result Of His Investigations.
nobel prize from
Discusses the Nobel Institution in detail, telling about the award and its beginnings, what it means to win a Nobel Prize, the fields in which it is presented, who judges and how the prize is awarded, and more.
nobel prize from
The book illustrates the individuals and environments that are conducive to scientific creativity.
nobel prize from
The story of the winners of the world's most prestigious prize, now updated to include the 2009 recipients. The Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the most prestigious award one can receive.
nobel prize from
Norrby's earlier book, Nobel Prizes and Life Sciences (2010) examined the unique archival records until 1959.The present book takes us up to 1962, surveying a range of dazzling discoveries. All prizes in immunology are reviewed.
nobel prize from
' The book is also a lucid explanation of how science has been harnessed to fight the human afflictions of cancer and infectious disease. And the story ends with a wide-ranging overview of today's challenges to the scientific enterprise.
nobel prize from
This book introduces the process of selection of the laureates, discusses the ingredients for scientific discovery and for getting recognition.