This edition contains all Shelley's poetry, from his juvenilia to his great works such as "The Revolt of Islam" and "Ode to the West Wind", and his only completed verse drama "The Cenci", a melodramatic Venetian tale of incest, murder and ...
This volume contains all of "Lyrical Ballads" with Wordsworth's preface of 1800/1802, and a wide range of both poets' other work across their poetic careers.
The Canterbury Tales tells the story of 30 pilgrims who meet by chance at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, London, and journey together to the shrine of St Thomas Becket in Canterbury cathedral.
This collection comprises the works of John Keats, one of the greatest English poets and contemporary of Byron and Shelley. The collection includes "Endymion", "Lamia", "Isabella" and "Hyperion".
This anthology serves as an introduction to the poetry of World War I, and the inclusion of a number rarely anthologized poets, many from the ranks, as well as anonymous poems and songs, attmepts to bring a quality of freshness to the ...
He writes typically of lost love, of the brevity of happiness, of young soldiers doomed to die. Housman speaks with two voices: the smooth texts conceal a dark sub-text.